Hey there! How have you been? How are your little tumblees doing?
Everything should be going smoothly if you followed our instructions in Part 1. Remember that we haven't posted a single picture of our own - yet still, I bet you are getting followed back.
Now let's see... Where did we leave off last week...?
Oh yeah! Monetizing that heap of traffic we created so that you can make some easy money. Yeah, that's where we were heading.
Do you remember the example we used last week - the one slammed with banners everywhere? Well, that's exactly what we WON’T do. Don't be fooled into thinking taking short cuts, like setting dozens of soulless automated blogs - this will not get you the results you're looking for.
Let's see how we can succeed, doing things differently..
Get Social
That's the thing with tumblr, you need to make it social-friendly. That's what tumblr is all about in the first place: a social network with it's own ecosystem, just like twitter and facebook.
This is one of the first mistakes a lot of affiliate marketers make when they begin to use tumblr. They don’t understand that tumblr is first and foremost, a SOCIAL thing. That's why we've insisted so much on following, reposting, and now commenting. Make it LIVE.
It can mean a heck of a difference for your many newborn pages. You need to ride the current. Blend in with the surrounding flux of tumblees. Be one of them, and then you'll be able to sneak out with your pockets full of money.
Now, let's get some tools to help us share stuff! You're new and popular, so don't be exclusive.
First follow this link and select a toolbox model.
Copy the HTML code snippet on the right and follow these instructions.
Now, each of your posts will feature an easy way of spreading your content to other social networks.
Now that we've gotten social, let's work on our communication skills.
Get Viral
It's time to start posting some content of your own, and it will be easy if you follow a few simple guidelines. Before we get back to it, let's recap on one of the most important parts of last week's post:
"Think about who you're looking to reach - this is really important.Put yourself in this person's head, and think about what they would be looking for.
Now figure out how you are going to bring it up. Be original."
This is some of the most elemental marketing stuff around and yet, it's often totally overlooked. Take the time to KNOW your audience, and only then will we set things up. Once you've figured that out, you can give them what they're looking for.
Step One - Post Pictures
From here, I assume that you have your own content sources and that you have all the necessary rights to use it.
Carefully select the images you will be posting. If you’re using your own content, choose hi-res images, preferably without watermarks. You can also buy some content from specialized brokers.
In most cases content providers will require to have their watermarks on the pictures, which is perfectly fine. We also have material available that can be used to promote our offers.
The important thing here is that you don't want your page to look too commercially oriented. If your pictures appear with watermarks, try to select those which are discrete, since these pictures will be the backbone of your tumblr page.
Now, that you have your content sources, you'll be looking for images with a high viral potential. Funny, unusual pictures that would make you want to share them. Humor is your ally, it is a universal language that opens many doors. Humor over strictly "serious" porn = WIN.
You will also be sure to add a small blurb to add context to every picture, which adds relevance and shows that you are not a robot.
If you have your own website, it's easy to canalize tumblr's traffic from that point by setting click-through links in your images, send it to landing pages with similar content, from where you'll have your banners, offers, etc.
Keep it on an informative level and resist the temptation to send your visitors directly to forms and sign ups just yet.
Step Two - Insert Rich Content Posts
This is the key for succeeding with tumblr in the long term. Within the multitude of images you will be pinning on your tumblr page, you need to also include some original content of your own, albeit in a written form.
Oh, I'm seeing your faces right now... "What? I need to start writing posts? That's not that easy!"
Nobody said success would come easy. But rest assured, you don't need exceptional writing skills to succeed here.
All you need to do is find a funny or unusual subject - some factoids about pornstars, sexdating, or cam girls will do the trick. These posts need to be built more on the softer side, you don't want them to be TOO explicit.
Then find a series of images (the more viral, the better) that will suit your subject and write around them. Find an interesting angle, something original that - yet again, YOU would want to share with your buddies. Be sure you slip a few relevant keywords into your text without blatantly altering it.
Don't write for Google. Do it for the people. THEY will tell Google it's good by sharing and reblogging your material!
Step Three - Trigger a Call to Action
This is a long-known marketing notion used to incite the customer into some sort of predefined action (or buying) path, hence the name. We will use this strategy to even further disguise our money-fed scheme.
It's simple. You don't want any obvious affiliate links under every click-through pictures. A real blogger wouldn't do that. We will be smarter here. Here's how we will do it.
For your regular image posts: Take a series of a few images which build-up in intensity.Write a little blurb under each picture and on the last one write something like, "See Natasha’s live cam here". This last picture will have a click-through link with your cloaked affiliate code in it.
Do the same thing when setting up your content posts. You want to have a logical build-up throughout your post's images. In the last one you call to action with a clear and simple imperative statement like "Click here to see/read more" or "Watch Ashley's sexy friends here". Again, this image will have a click-through link with your cloaked affiliate code in it.
If you think about it, it’s really quite simple.
You need to LURE the money into your pockets. Click Here to know how!
About Affiliate Link-Cloaking
As a CrakRevenue affiliate (if you’re not, you should be!), don't even bother with this since your links are already cloaked when you get them from our ad-tools. Just check that your links have the word "safelinktracker" in them and you are set. If you don’t find it, ask your affiliate manager and he'll gladly provide you with new cloaked codes.
Let's recap this Tumblr Tutorial
Using tumblr in a successful way
Here are six simple rules you should use to make money on the long-term using tumblr pages.
Make your content social-friendly.
You want it to be shared. The more it's shared, the more authority and notoriety you'll get.
Humor is your Ally.
Think fun over porn and people will be inclined to share it.
Be smart. Blend in your links.
Don't SPAM your banners all over the place.
Know your audience.
Know what they like and how they want it.
Quality over Quantity.
It requires a little more effort but it will last and it will pay off.
And finally,
Respect Copyrights.
Use content that you have the rights to. Create your own if you can. Another option is to ask sponsors for material. They will be happy to provide you with content if you help them build their brand, generate traffic and leads. It’s a partnership.
Next week: Expand your Reach
Rich content posts will not only help you get more followers on tumblr, they will also help you reel in some fishes from an even bigger pond also known as the front page of the internet.
Come back next Wednesday to see how you can leverage your tumblr’s posting audiences in a spectacular way.