CrakRevenue 2.0 Beta New Features

CrakRevenue 2.0 Beta New Features

CrakRevenue News

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October 11, 2016


CrakRevenue News


The countdown has begun!

Early access to CrakRevenue 2.0 beta will open in exactly one week.

Even though you'll still be able to use the CrakRevenue platform you're most familiar with — there will still be some major benefits to using the new CrakRevenue 2.0 beta even if development isn’t entirely complete.

To give you a little heads-up, we’ll detail each of these benefits this week, starting with the new features the beta platform will be offering…

Create your own postbacks

In affiliate marketing, postbacks are used to collect information about the conversions generated.

Despite this information being available in the CrakRevenue platform, many affiliates continue to work with external/third party tracking software and are in need of postbacks to send & retrieve information to these third party programs.

In the old version of CrakRevenue—CrakRevenue Legacy—postback creation wasn’t really supported unless a special request was made and it was set up manually on a case-by-case basis.

However, this will all change in CrakRevenue 2.0 beta!

Affiliates will now be able to create their own postbacks for external tracking programs and therefore will no longer need to depend on affiliate managers or our IT team to set this up!

Create & manage more sub-IDs

We’ve talked more times than we can count about the importance of using trackers if you want to gain insight into your campaigns and have the info you need to not only optimize your campaigns should you want to — but should you need to.

Well, there’s good news. CrakRevenue 2.0 will be paradise for true tracking data-hounds!

You’ll be able to easily add an impressive number of customized sub-IDs.

Moreover, you'll even be able to shorten sub-ID intensive links in just a few simple clicks!

Responsive platform

You’ve all been asking for it for a long time now and we’ve worked tirelessly over the last year to meet this demand:  CrakRevenue 2.0 will be totally responsive!  

Starting next week, all CrakRevenue affiliates who begin using the beta platform will be able to manage their campaigns and refer to their stats from any device with total ease!

Thirsty for more?

Stay tuned!  Because in just a few short days, we’ll give you the heads up about a bunch of  brand NEW offers that’ll be exclusively available only in CrakRevenue 2.0!

Until then, don’t hesitate to consult the CrakRevenue 2.0 beta section of our Knowledge Base for more information!

Reminder:  How does CrakRevenue’s 2.0 Beta launch affect you?

The platform that you are currently using will remain up and running and will be called CrakRevenue Legacy.

Therefore, you will still be able to use CrakRevenue Legacy until the official launch of the new platform planned for winter 2017.

However, a few features will be permanently transferred to CrakRevenue 2.0 Beta on October 18, 2016 and will therefore no longer be available in CrakRevenue Legacy, including:

  • Billing & Payment History info
  • Account/Profile modifications
  • Geomatik links
  • Referral links

Please refer to our Knowledge Base for more information about the CrakRevenue 2.0 beta transition.

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